The blog of Dr Glenn Andrew Peoples on Theology, Philosophy, and Social Issues

Search results: "moral argument" Page 2 of 12

Lawrence Krauss on God and Morality

“Ah, those silly creationists are at it again. Every real scientist knows that evolution is fact, and then these people with no real experience in science come along and bumble through the issues without understanding them at all. And as for those geographers! I have no real time for geography myself, but pah! Everyone knows […]

On the evolution of moral beliefs

I’m a moral realist. That means that I think there really are some moral facts. It is wrong to do some things, and it is right to do some things, and this isn’t just a vent of emotion or an expression of my will, it’s really true. Stephen Law is also a moral realist, but […]

Episode 040: God and the Social Nature of Morality

According to Robert Adams, moral obligations are inherently social in nature. This, he says, supports the contention that they are grounded in God.

Laws of logic, laws of morality

In my discussion with Arif Ahmed on the Unbelievable radio show, Dr Ahmed rejected my position that moral facts are best explained in terms of a non-natural person. Now, he doesn’t accept that there are any moral facts at all, but if there were, he indicated, they wouldn’t suggest the existence of a non-natural person. […]

Arif Ahmed, morality and empiricism

Should empiricism make us give up moral beliefs?

Do moral facts not require an explanation?

Perhaps the central bone of contention in the moral argument for the existence of God is the claim that philosophical naturalism cannot provide a basis for moral facts, while theism can. To say that one outlook cannot give an account of moral facts while another can is to assume that moral facts need an “account” […]

Does different behaviour indicate different moral beliefs?

In a recent blog on the moral argument, I noted (in the comments) that in the real world we all find ourselves faced with certain moral facts, like the fact that we shouldn’t do unnecessary harm to others. Somebody objected to this, thinking that it was clearly not true. For example, the inquisitors harmed people […]

Public Lecture: The New Atheism, Science and Morality

Public Lecture: The New Atheism, Science and Morality As you know (and a number of you have very kindly supported me in the endeavour), shortly I’ll be flying off to Oxford for a conference at which I’ll be speaking (more on that another time). When I get back I have a couple of speaking engagements […]

How the queerness argument (possibly) backfires

Is the existence of God really more queer or strange than the idea that torture and murder are not objectively wrong?

Divine Command Ethics: When will sceptics update their arguments?

It seems that some online unbelievers have trouble staying up to date with the fields in which they take themselves to be experts. Take Keith Augustine over at the Internet Infidels for example. He believes that he has the divine command theory of ethics (DCT) all sewn up. For some reason, divine command ethics is […]

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