Venue: University of Auckland, in “The Centennial” 260 – 098 OGGB (the bottom level of the Business School) on 12 Grafton Rd, Auckland City.
Date/time: Monday 2 August from 7-9pm
The subject of the debate will be whether or not we can sensibly regard God as the source of moral truth. Raymond Bradley certainly doesn’t think so, and in the past I’ve comment on his arguments in that the Christian view of ethics results in a hopeless contradiction. As I said at the time, I think his objections were fundamentally flawed, so I’ll be interested to see what shape his argument takes in this exchange.
For those who can’t be at the debate, the footage will find its way online for all to see.
Thanks for the plug. If we can hook you up with a live feed, can you write a review? It would be good to get one online promptly from someone capable of fairly assessing things.
Yep, I’d be happy to do that.