Yes Syllabus, I needed a colour that would stand out against the light parts and the dark parts of the background. Never mind, I’ve gone with an all new theme now. It may change again!
Apparently, you’ve gotten a bit of Iron Maiden in your Word Press.
I love the header. This only proves my long held conviction that Metal goes well with everything.
You stole the words right out of my computer! I actually got to see Maiden this summer… it was fantastic and too bad they are unlikely to head to NZ anytime soon, Glenn.
hmmm .. I hate being the voice of the critic, but because I like you I will: I hate the new banner. I think the red is too distracting. Maybe gun-metal grey? The font is a wee bit hard to read too. Seriously, I want to read your latest blog post but I’m finding it hard to get past the banner.
The grainy, “blog of Glenn Peoples” bit is annoying too. (I can’t but feel “I don’t have time to look at things I find hard to read”).
I do like the buttons at the top – that’s much neater.
The animated pics – maybe you could have a whole row of little pics that could slowly loop around.
Sorry Glenn 🙁
If I’m the sole critic on this, keep your banner and I’ll still come to visit 🙂
G’day Glenn. This is much cleaner IMHO. Just a thought… If you’re trying to fade out the ‘gun’ theme – you might need to find yourself anothe little friend. (I came to you by way of the podcast so had no idea about the scarface reference till I saw the guns etc).
I once had a pastor from NZ who told us heaps of hunting stories. Thought it must just be part of the Kiwi culture lol
The yellow on the title spread is a little tacky.
Yes Syllabus, I needed a colour that would stand out against the light parts and the dark parts of the background. Never mind, I’ve gone with an all new theme now. It may change again!
Apparently, you’ve gotten a bit of Iron Maiden in your Word Press.
I love the header. This only proves my long held conviction that Metal goes well with everything.
Samson J.
Apparently, you’ve gotten a bit of Iron Maiden in your Word Press.
I love the header. This only proves my long held conviction that Metal goes well with everything.
You stole the words right out of my computer! I actually got to see Maiden this summer… it was fantastic and too bad they are unlikely to head to NZ anytime soon, Glenn.
hmmm .. I hate being the voice of the critic, but because I like you I will: I hate the new banner. I think the red is too distracting. Maybe gun-metal grey? The font is a wee bit hard to read too. Seriously, I want to read your latest blog post but I’m finding it hard to get past the banner.
The grainy, “blog of Glenn Peoples” bit is annoying too. (I can’t but feel “I don’t have time to look at things I find hard to read”).
I do like the buttons at the top – that’s much neater.
The animated pics – maybe you could have a whole row of little pics that could slowly loop around.
Sorry Glenn 🙁
If I’m the sole critic on this, keep your banner and I’ll still come to visit 🙂
Okay, now that I’ve vented I’ve gone and had another look. Maybe it’s just the photos that are making the banner look disjointed and busy.
Roy, I may try out a few different banners. And I don’t mind the feedback at all. 🙂
OK, trying a little Megadeth inspiration on for size….
G’day Glenn. This is much cleaner IMHO. Just a thought… If you’re trying to fade out the ‘gun’ theme – you might need to find yourself anothe little friend. (I came to you by way of the podcast so had no idea about the scarface reference till I saw the guns etc).
I once had a pastor from NZ who told us heaps of hunting stories. Thought it must just be part of the Kiwi culture lol
Not to mention MandM