I’m excited to let you know that on Friday the 29th of June (local time) I will be speaking to the Los Angeles chapter of Reasonable Faith.
The topic will be somewhat philosophical in nature. The title of the talk will be “The non-moral goodness of God,” and in it I’ll be talking about how God’s goodness relates to God’s role in providing the basis of moral truth. If morality is tied up with God’s commands, then couldn’t God just command any horrible thing, and it would be the right thing to do? Can we avoid this sort of objection by saying that God is a morally good agent? Does God have “morally sufficient reasons” for commanding the things that God commands? I’ll be addressing these and other questions.
If you’re in the LA area, please come along! Contact details for the LA chapter of Reasonable Faith are available here at the Reasonable Faith website.
No, I won’t actually be there. This talk will be given via Skype.
See you there (Sort of) – and spread the word!
Glenn Peoples
Brandon Barr
I plan on attending 🙂
Are you going to have a transcript of your talk? That would be great if you could post it online because I’d very much like to see it.
I will try to go to there.
Hi Glenn
Is the talk going to be available for those outside the US to listen to? Given the nature to the topic, it is very relevant. It would be great to hear this argument again.
Have fun!
I’ve been eagerly awaiting another podcast too. Perhaps you could record this??
That is a good idea Roy. It would follow on nicely from the the last podcast about the Evil God argument.
As the host of Dr. People’s talk I will look into recording options on our end.
Whether I record the talk as I give it via Skype, or record it separately (more likely), I do plan to make this available as a podcast shortly after I speak to RF.
I’d love to hear it, but live too far away. Thanks in advance for posting the audio!
Excellent! I am willing to transcribe either the RF talk or a subsequent posting if you’d like.
I plan to develop the talk into a paper for publication soon after I’ve given the talk, so I was holding off making the transcript available until I have done that.
Why via Skype? Supporters would fly you over, right? You could give a series of talks, or speak to a lot of different groups to make the trip worthwhile. Your buddies the Flannagans are flying over to the States, so what gives? I mean, you’re a qualified, respected scholar, right?
Oh wait. You’re not.
It must suck having to work that mundane day job so you can’t do more “scholarly” stuff, huh? Why don’t you do what your friend Matt does – just don’t get a and job at all… and STILL not be a successful scholar?
Matthew Flannagan
Dick, actually I am employed part time as a teaching elder for a church in south Auckland, and do various publishing and research contracts as well as looking after an autistic child at home.
But don’t let the facts get in the way of being a jerk.
Dick, someone who a) resorts to trolling blogs and b) is in any way connected to infidels.org has little grounds to talk about scholarship…
Perhaps, Dick should listen to Apologetics315 interview with Matt. He would learn that other scholars(his peers)came across Matt’s research. They immediately recognized it as being scholarly in content, and were keen to use his material.
Perhaps Dick has penned some relevant scholarly articles himself. He at least makes some claim to be aware of the criteria for such academic endeavors. Dr Flannangan has a website with many possible topic options to choose from. There is no reason to think that this should not give Dick ample material to formulate some skilled responses to the scholarly articles there.