The blog of Dr Glenn Andrew Peoples on Theology, Philosophy, and Social Issues

Happy Easter 2015!


I hope you’re all having a safe and enjoyable Easter. He is risen!

I thought I would share with you what may be my favourite Easter song of all time. Enjoy.


Free to discriminate, part 1


Pro-life slogans and groupthink


  1. One of my favorites-
    Hard to find in English but the Arabic is by no means unpleasant!

  2. The Bible says that we should put it first in our lives (Matt. 6:33) and that we should be preaching it to others (Luke 9:2). We pray for God’s kingdom to come on a regular basis, but if someone were to ask us: “Please, explain to me exactly what the Kingdom of God is”, would we know what to say?

    I think that when many people use the expression “Kingdom of God”, they forget what the word “kingdom” means. Certainly, is not a state of the heart of some kind of “good vibe”. The definition of the actual word Kingdom is “a country or area ruled by a king or queen” (Macmillan Dictionary). Thus, when we pray for God’s kingdom to come, we are asking for Him to rule, not only in our hearts and minds, but also over a determined territory: “on earth as in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

  3. Michael

    Oh wow, I just listened to the Vengeance Rising discography the other day and must say this is one of my favourites as well, as a declaration of the Easter story as well as one of the greatest VR tracks as well. Thanks for sharing, Glenn.

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