A while ago I mentioned that I was speaking on an Episode of Elephant TV on the subject of Christian views on War and Peace.
Elephant TV is a very professional production consisting of episodes where Christians holding different perspectives on a range of hot topics get a chance to briefly set out their position, giving the wider Christian public (and any interested onlookers) a chance to hear the issues set out, hopefully prompting them to explore further on their own. Pat Brittenden and the crew have advised me that the episode I took part in is now available over at the Elephant TV site.
It’s not free but it’s cheap, and it’s a project worth supporting, so if you’re at all interested, check it out. It’s the kind of thing that would make a great viewing session for a group, followed by your discussion and drinks. 🙂
Glenn Peoples
For the record, I have no affiliation to Elephant TV and make no money from purchases of this episode.
I quite enjoyed this episode. I wish that there was more interaction between the panel though. I didn’t like how Pat had to middle-man that whole thing.
Yes, the format was fairly controlled – I suspect that was to do with time constraints. I would like to have commented on Chris’s “What Would Jesus Do” approach to ethics, which I think is seriously inadequate. Given a few more minutes I would have commented on the use of “love your enemy” saying of Jesus too. But as it was, there were a few comments that didn’t make the final cut, so we’d almost need a one-on-one debate to hammer out some of the issues a little better.
Or a book. 🙂
Just watched it. Really appreciated it; especially the way you wrapped it all up. I was very impressed with Paul Stanaway I felt he was very well grounded in what he said and he addressed the issues and answered the questions.